
Who am I? I’m just a simple, resourceful guy - a problem solver and a jack-of-all-trades. I'm a follower of the way, friend encourager, morning meditator and slow-life enthusiast. I'm happiest in the woods, sitting alone just being or by a fire with friends after a day seeking the lost or chasing fish. I'm an introverted extrovert, prefer books to people most of the time, naps to parties and going out. I'll trade a sunrise for an early bedtime any day of the week.

What do I do? Professionally, I write - a curious wordsmith wandering off a number of various directions simultaneously most days. I'm working on some new book projects. By day, to keep the lights on, I'm a marketing & communications consultant, content creator, freelance copywriter & editor and wilderness skills & survival instructor. Personally, I just try to serve people & clear what blocks me from myself to help, love & serve others.

My background is pretty varied – journalism & writing, advertising sale & sales management, photography, graphic design, marketing and communications, website development & content management strategies. I’ve built & run restaurants, spent lazy days as a golf course shop jock, worked in non-profit marketing & communications, served on non-profit boards and volunteer here and there and wherever. I seek to be of service and to help where I can. It's been a journey, it's evolving and becoming more fulfilling and purpose-filled each day. For a complete professional work history, connect with me on LinkedIn or see resume below.

What am I passionate about?  The outdoors and adventuring, exploring, developing and encouraging purpose & passion, spending time with Jesus, helping others, giving, learning, experiencing, simplifying my life, meditating, self-reflection & inner exploration. I love to fish, camp, backpack, hike and run - I find great peace in times of solitude and am happiest when it’s quiet. Let's talk rest in a world that never stops doing.

I sometimes run stupid-long distances for fun & therapy, volunteer with organizations close to my heart and give of myself whenever I'm presented the opportunity. I'm finding that's what a lot of this life season is about for me - creating more space in my life to do the things that matter most and are  most fulfill my soul. I read a lot and run an online book club, check it out here.

If i didn't have anything to do tomorrow, I’d probably go backpacking or go for a long run, a bike ride or maybe just sit. I’d read and seek to learn something new, try to look for ways to help someone and spend some quiet time alone in gratitude.

I volunteer with Pacific Northwest Search & Rescue ("that others may live"), enjoy getting outside for pretty much anything and spending time with friends & family.

Send me a note and let me know what you think of my site, my journey or how I could help to inspire or encourage you on yours. Like to work together? Contact me to discuss how we can work together on content strategy, professional creative services (words, design & photos), marketing & communications consulting, copywriting and all things messaging & brand management.

Just want to talk about something else like your dreams or your passions? That's my favorite thing to do anyway – so let's do that! Want to know more, connect with me on LinkedIn. That's enough I's for a while.

Connect with me all over via the social links below, or here's a current(-ish) resume if you’re into that sort of stuff.