Life-Work Balance


Life-Work Balance

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
— Annie Dillard

Do you feel like you've lost sight of what's most important in your life? Are you struggling to make time and space for what you really sets your heart on fire? Are you exhausted by the home-to-work, work-to-home, sleep, repeat cycle?

Do you have unfulfilled dreams and goals sitting on the back burner due to the chaos and craziness of your daily life? Do you yearn for a fresh perspective, but worry about judgement from family & friends?

You're not alone. I've felt that way.

Fortunately, many voices are emerging today that share paths to change, journeys back to happiness and meaning.

Let's explore what sets your heart on fire. 

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
— Mary Oliver, The Summer Day