Simple Solitude

Sitting along a quiet brook, silent sounds fill my soul
Or watching windswept waters, waves spray and warm my heart.

Deeply in a forest's grasp, cool dampness ever drips.
Quietly paddling waters at sunset, while fickle fish ignore.

Give me a desk in a dark, warm cabin. Room. Library. Cafe.
Pen to paper, soft sounds to ears as the ideas born to the world.

Many blossom amid the noise.
As I live an internal life, through a contemplative lens.

Some speak and boast and revel and dream.
But yet I simply watch, content in the mind's explorations.

I never fit who I thought the world said I should be,
until I accepted an internal existence in reflection of its ways.

A solitary place, one that fills my soul, worships my foundation, 
admires the world, and enables me to love shall find me be.

When Hearts Speak

Listen to just the words and know little.
Listen for the words of the heart and hear fully.

Common words full of fear & pain & despair, though they may not always sound like it.
Find & embrace those who speak words of love, hidden in their heart.

In this place that is rare. Everyone everywhere, distracted, burdened, busy & off-course. 
Words of the heart speak wisdom. From an unknown place deep within us all.

Be quiet & listen, hear examples & inspirations. Look for the heart in every word.
Do not be pleased to simply hear just the words, but seek the heart.

Many speak without saying much. Happy is an ear to hear that which speaks truth's meaning.

Listen to the words, listen to the eyes, listen to the heart. Hear them inside you before they are spoken. 

Pause often to listen. There is no rush, although it always seems there is.

Through The Eyes

I see through are not my own, this worldview revealed
  the perspective earned with pain & agony

Long held, its grip tightened by an ever frenzied world
  remorse built, dreams left smoldering, ashen & burnt

The world I see through eyes that are not my own,
   beauty, color, love, exhilaration, hope

The world built through pain, suffering & misery
   this world of anticipation, expectancy, and joy today held

But with these eyes, the ability to see remains. In others, in
   passing glances with fleeting insights into hearts and souls

Through these eyes I see, others nearly too deeply, fully, actually
   one cannot hide the pain and truth within and under them

Watch closely, look insightfully, seek depth, explore them
   for they will not tell, of their own

For what they are and what they hold not simply there
   but only seen with perspectives gained, through toil & pain

Seek Moments

Many seek riches. Seek moments.
Many seek fame. Seek impact.
Many seek power. Seek humility.
Many seek attention. Seek meekness.

Many are the ways of man.
Few are the ways of meaning.
Many are the common.
Few are the extraordinary.

Loud are the shouts of the lonely and lost.
Quiet are the praises raised in solitude.
Extravagant & colorful are those that shout 'look at me,' often silently.

Simple is the heart, contented in its pursuits.
Abundant are the distractions and detours to a life well lived.

Only What Matters

Hold only what matters.
And as you do, do so loosely.

Quiet your mind, still your heart.
Everywhere you look, distractions & temptations.

Look deeply inside. And do so often.
Embrace what you discover. Untangle what's been knotted & remains tightly bound.

Let go of life's stuff, expectations, beliefs & ideas. 
And as you go, rest & renew your mind.

Hold only what matters. That which cannot be held.

A Quiet Place

I seek a quiet place.
A mountain, a stream, a lake.
A quiet place, where thoughts move in tidal swings.

I seek a simple life.
Of trees, explosive sunrises and vista views.
A quiet, simple place where the pace soothes the soul.

I seek a fuller depth.
Within a life of meaning and love.
Here the world runs rampant everywhere I turn.

I do not want to turn and run.
When my heart cannot find it here.
I know it is inside, the only place could be.

I go, I flee, I drive.
For I know it cannot be here amid this.
To find the quiet place of peace, I seek within the deep.