fear & uncertainty

*it’s fast approaching a year since i’ve written here, mostly because my mother’s death disrupted my heart and world in every way; now, the Coronavirus has turned everything upside down, for everyone.

we may not know what tomorrow shall bring,
so today, we live inside. distanced.

fear, shouting loudly everywhere,
unknowns, uncertainties.

birds feed, unknowingly,
blossoms bloom, uncaring.

a new world, we will face,
together, I hope.

yet it’s too early to tell,
amid the turmoil and chaos.

economics, as we know them,
uprooted, pulled and left behind.

minds, fearful and afraid,
hearts, ripped apart and broken.

worldly dreams, destroyed,
wallets & accounts, nearly empty,
sleep, needed but elusive.

worlds, separated,
situations, similar yet different.

but the birds still sing, unknowingly,
while we flutter in our minds.